G.B.1979 60th Anniversary First Commercial Passenger & Freight service, Flown cover, FF7
G.B.1979 60th Anniversary First Commercial Passenger & Freight service, Dual cancel Flown cover, FF7
G.B.1979 40th Anniversary First Airmail Service across the Atlantic, Flown cover, FF6
Germany1979 60th Anniversary RAF Flight Cologne - Folkstone Flown cover
G.B. 1979 60th Anniversary RAF Flight Folkstone - Cologne, Flown cover
G.B. 1980 40th Anniversary, Battle of Britain, Flown RAF FF20
G.B. 1980 100th Anniversary, Manned Carryting Balloons, Flown RAF FF17
G.B. 1980 50th Anniversary, England-Australia Flight, Concorde Flown RAF FF16
G.B. 1980 10th Anniversary, First deployment of VTOL Aircraft, RAF FF15
G.B. 1982 60th Anniversary of Kings Cup Air Race, RAF FF40
G.B. 1982 25th Anniversary of Army Air Corps, BFPS 5782, RAF FF39
Jersey 1982 50th Anniversary of Solo Atlantic Crossing by Amelia Earhart, RAF FF38
G.B. 1992 RAF Airborne Forces in Palestine, JS(AC)167 Flown anniversary cover