Switzerland 1968 50+20 block on Balloon Flight card with tied Label
Switzerland 1968 20+10 block on Balloon Flight card with tied Label
Switzerland 1968 30+10 block on Balloon Flight card with tied Label
Switzerland 1940 multifranked cover with Red Cross (in Italian) cachet & Feldpost cancel
Switzerland 1947 2fr50 Airmail on Airmail First Day Cover
Switzerland 1938 30r and 2f on Airmail cover to Uruguay, red flight cachet
Switzerland 1939 Swissair Flight cover with cachet to Italy
Switzerland 1941 Pro Aero 1f First Day Cover/Fight
Switzerland 1943 30th Anniversary of Alpine Flight cover ( First Day of Pro Aero Stamp)
Switzerland 1940 1f Air on cover with Red Cross cachet and Felpost cancel
Switzerland 1949 Pro Aero illustrated flown First Day Cover, Lugano-La Chaux de Fonds
Switzerland 1939 Swissair Flight cover with cachet to Helsinki
Switzerland 1925 25c air on Flight Card, Basel - Luzern
Switzerland/Germany/Netherlands 1969 tri cancel British Balloon Flight Cover
Switzerland 1966 Lufthansa Flight cover,Geneve - Montevideo